General Settings
Choose style
Language (lang) Select Language
API KEY (key) Free version doesn't require the key, simply leave a blank
Output Format (vformat) The default is MP4
Video Encoder (vcodec) If you need to play videos online, select MP4 (H264)
Bitrate (vbitrate) The higher the value is, the clearer the video will be, and the larger the file will be
Frame Rate (vfps) The higher the value is, the smoother the video will be, and the higher the CPU Utilization will be
Audio Quality (aquality) The higher the quality is, the larger the file will be. It is set to high quality by default.
Auto Start (recauto)
Recording Type (rectype)
Coordinate and size of the recording region (recrectangle) Take effect when it is rectype=0, format: x,y,w,h, enpty
Whenrecauto=0, users customize the region to record
When it is recauto=1,it will record the selected region automatically
Recording Mode (recmode) Quality Priority: Higher CPU utilization, better video quality
Performance Priority: Reducing CPU utilization by lowering video quality
Balance: Balancing CPU utilization and video quality (Recommended)
Record mouse cursor (recmouse)
Record mouse clicks (recmouseclick)
Record mouse hot spot (recmousespot)
Count Down (reccountdown)
Record Sound (recaudioinput)
Save video
Saving mode (savemode)
URL for uploading video (saveurl) Take effect when it is savemode=1
Delete local file or not (dellocalfile) Take effect when it is savemode=1
Save screenshot
Screenshot saving mode (screenshotsavemode)
URL for uploading screenshot (screenshotsaveurl) Take effect when it is screenshotsavemode=1
Delete local screenshot or not (screenshotdellocalfile) Take effect when it is screenshotsavemode=1
Interface display
Promote products (uishowads)
Help button (uishowhelp)
Prompt window after uploading successfully (uishowuploadcompleted)
Prompt window after uploading fails (uishowuploadfailed)
Show Account (uishowaccount)
Show recording mainboard (uishow)
Finish recording (completeaction)
Allow web button to control the recording (webcontrol) Allow using web button to start and stop the recording or not
Text on the stop recording button (textstop) Once start the recording, usually the record button will show "Stop recording"
Text on the pause recording button (textpause)
Text on the resume recording button (textresume)
Generate code
Demo effect

Start Recording

API Access Statement
How to Insert API:
  • Click "Start recording" button in "Demo effect", then confirm that all the configuration parameters meet your demand.
  • Copy the entire codes under the area of "Generate code".
  • Paste the code you copied in the last step to the place where you want to show the record button.
  • Go to your website and click "Start recording" to run the recorder and test the function.
  • The limitations of Free Version:
    • The recorder button comes with copyright notice as "Powered by Apowersoft".
    • Partial functions are limited.(We may not give further notice on the future updates or changes of the product performance and function.)
    • For non-commercial use only.
  • The demo configurations support Windows system only. It doesn't support Mac system currently.
  • If you require removing the copyright or apply it for commercial use, please contact business department email to purchase the API KEY.
Port description Usage instruction
Take screenshot apowerScreenRecorder.takeScreenshot([format]): format is not set as jpg in default, it is only available to invoke while recording
Get screenshot apowerScreenRecorder.onscreenshot = function (base64String, imageFormat) {...}: base64String is base64 coded string of the image, dataURI statement is not included; imageFormat is the image format.
Move the recording region apowerScreenRecorder.moveLocation(x, y): It is only available when the recording window pops up by moving the top left corner to x, y position on current windows window (tips: the non-browser window)
Callback after uploading The result type returned by server:
"callback_func": "api_callback",/*callback_func is required, otherwise API don't know callback which function*/
"upload_info": {/*Optional*/
"name": "20160908_220227.mp4",
"size": 5036358
Then register api_callback function in the page:
function api_callback(response_json_obj ,api_app_name){
API will invoke the registered api_callback function, and make all json will serve as the first parameter response_json_obj to pass in, the second parameter api_app_name will be passed by API automatically
Note: api_callback Name the function randomly}